Image inpainting online
Image inpainting online is a computer vision and graphics technique that involves filling in missing or damaged parts of an image in a visually plausible way. This process is used to restore or modify images by automatically generating content for regions that are corrupted, damaged, or intentionally removed. Image inpainting online has various applications, including photo restoration, object removal, and content-aware image editing. The inpainting process can be categorized into two main approaches: patch-based methods and deep learning-based methods. 1. Patch-Based Methods: Patch-based inpainting techniques rely on finding and replacing missing or damaged regions with patches from other parts of the image. These methods often use information from surrounding pixels to infer the content of the missing region. One of the early approaches in this category is the Exemplar-based inpainting method, which involves finding a patch from a similar region in the image and copying it...